Photograph in Black and White of a Bear | Collodion Print | Norki

    Churchill Polar Bear – Collodion 4

    7,020 €

    Black and White Bear Photograph – Griet Van Malderen

    A black and white photograph of a polar bear, captured in close-up. The bear is depicted facing forward, with an intense expression and clear details of its fur and snout. This photo was created using the wet collodion process, giving it a unique look and characteristic texture. The irregular edges of the image add an artistic touch, enhancing the authenticity and timeless nature of the photograph. This artwork is part of Griet Van Malderen's series 'The Bears of Churchill,' capturing the majesty of polar bears in Canada, and available online.

    Artwork available in our Gstaad boutique.


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      Photograph in Black and White of a Bear | Collodion Print | Norki

      Churchill Polar Bear – Collodion 4

      Réf : PTRE12

      Your quote request

      Dimensions of the painting by Griet Van Malderen, collodion print.

      Black and White Polar Bear Photograph.
      Sizes: 1,64 × 1,64 ft – 1,70 × 1,70 ft with frame.
      Photographer: Griet Van Malderen.
      Collodion Print.
      Artwork available in Gstaad.

      Product Details

      Data sheet

      50 × 50 cm
      Griet Van Malderen
      Art Photographs